Eastwood Christian School

1. God as the final authority 

2. Biblical worldview 

3. Original documents emphasis 

4. Education for formation 

5. Critical thinking—"Why?" 
Pursuing the true, good, and beautiful 
Trivium—grammar, logic and rhetoric 

6. Integrated interdisciplinary learning 
Appreciation for Western Civilization 
Latin taught as a core requirement 
Humanities and Fine Arts emphasis 

7. Learning how to learn 
Mastery as working to one's potential 
Lifelong learning as the ultimate goal 

8. Ultimate truth taught as objective, knowable and absolute 

9. Becoming like Jesus to serve others and His Kingdom 

10. Parents as primary educators

American School System

1. Self as the final authority 

2. Naturalistic worldview 

3. Textbook emphasis 

4. Education for information 

5. Correct procedures—"How?" 
Pursuing facts without a framework 
Pragmatism—what works 

6. Fragmented and disjointed learning 
Critique of Western Civilization 
Latin as an elective 
Techno-rational emphasis 

7. Learning how to pass tests 
Mastery as measured by grades Graduation as the ultimate goal 

8. Ultimate truth taught as subjective, unknowable, and relative

9. Self-actualization to achieve personal peace and affluence 

10. Government as the primary educator

An ECS family must understand and be committed to classical, Christ-centered education. Parents should want their children to attend Eastwood Christian School because of what they are taught, how they are taught, and by whom they are taught. Eastwood Christian School is a learning-oriented community, where students are challenged to achieve their individual educational potential for the sake of serving the Kingdom of God.